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Team of SNHU Campus Safety officers

Campus Safety

At SNHU, safety is everyone's business. Students, faculty, and staff are partners in creating an atmosphere that is safe and encourages learning. We take many commonsense precautions to keep the campus safe, and we count on your cooperation and attention to maintain this safe environment.

Mission Statement

The mission of the Southern New Hampshire Office of Public Safety is to continually enhance public safety and the quality of life for those living, working and visiting our academic community. The preservation of life, protection of property, prevention of criminal behavior and the creation of a safe environment shall be our foremost responsibility. We will ensure that responsibility includes taking appropriate action to:

  • Protect life and property
  • Preserve the peace
  • Maintain calm and self-restraint in the course of duty
  • Detect and deter violators of the law and the Student Handbook
  • Scorn ridicule
  • Supervise campus functions (such as graduations or walk-a-thons) where public order requires
  • Respond to all campus emergencies
  • Deliver proactive and responsive services to all people
  • Possess an unequivocal belief that customer service as well as the welfare and safety of community members is our department's greatest concern and responsibility

Security Features

There are many ways in which SNHU strives to keep its students safe. All student residences are secured with deadbolts, and residence halls have a dual locking system that includes external and room door locks. These residence areas are also staffed with resident assistants and resident directors available to provide support at all hours.

Public access emergency call boxes can be found at strategic locations throughout campus, and extensive exterior lighting of walkways and parking lots helps provide a feeling of security. The campus is also monitored by closed-circuit camera. These cameras are not actively monitored, but are recorded and viewed as needed.

SNHU Public Safety officers are trained in crime prevention, security patrolling, and general services for the campus community. Public Safety officers are on duty 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Emphasis is placed on personal security of students and staff. Although the protection of property is important, it is clearly secondary to the protection of people. Officers are encouraged to develop their powers of observation and to work closely with local police and fire departments. A spirit of cooperation is maintained as we work hand-in-hand to keep the campus and the adjoining communities safe. Because of its location on the line between Hooksett and Manchester, NH, SNHU has the benefit of being served by two police departments.

In accordance with established policy, local law enforcement agencies will take charge of investigations or arrests involving felonies or serious misdemeanors unless both they and the university agree to deal with the situation otherwise.

Communicating Emergency Situations

In an emergency on or near campus that may affect the safety or well-being of the university community, timely and pertinent information will be provided to the group concerned. Depending on the situation, the information may be released by special "Security Alerts," voice mail, or in meetings. At the discretion of the university, students' parents may be notified.

Register for SNHU Alerts to have text messages sent to up to two cell phone numbers and two email addresses.